Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hadeel Kareem

  My name is Hadeel Kareem i'm 20 years old , i born in Iraq but after i turn into 11 i travled to jorden and i lived there for 9 years .
I always feel homesick to my country but i liked jorden it was beautiful country and i have alot of friends over there , however i had to leave jordan and come to here to U.S.A , and i like living here too.
  My hobbies are internet , reading , cooking , swimming.
   I'm now a college student and my major is bussiness , although i always want to study forighn language , but after all i decide to go with bussiness because i like money.
   I work and study at the same time , i work as a cashier in a big store and i like my job , its my first job in my whole life i've never work before , work teach me how to be independent and i like feeling this way .
  Being in united states for me like an dream coming true , i just love their lifestyle , and for now all what i wish is to gratuate and have my own bussiness .


  1. Your blog looks great Hadeel. Keep up the great work. Rumor has it, I might be teaching ESL119 next semester. If so, hopefully we can be in the same class. You've done a great job in ESL106. Your writing is really improving and you are becoming very fluent in English.

  2. Your blog looks good. Nice job! Make sure your titles are all caps at the beginning. For example: How To Quit Smoking
    Each word should be capitalized at the beginning.

    You've been a great student. It has been a pleasure having you in class.

    1. Your essay on how to prepare for exams really helped me for my homework due tomorrow. I would like to thank you for your great intelligence and keep up the perfect work:-)
